Shop Around the Corner with Sister Arts Studio

Posted by on Oct 22, 2012

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Located in Chicago, the Sister Arts Studio offers a unique crafting experience. The store created by the mother and daughter team of Donna and Ona Palicka came from a vision of a creative sanctuary. The store carries the mantra of "Teach Love," with the idea that parents and children can bond through creative expression. Special hand-selected instructors teach craft classes at the store on a variety of nights. There are morning, evening and weekend courses for adults that teach knitting, weaving, felting, crochet and jewelry design. The store also offers after school enrichment classes for kids. Centered around the idea of a shared creative experience, the Sister Arts Studio party opportunities and creative social gatherings. They specialize in teaching the novice crafter, so check them out if you're interested in learning! 

Be sure to visit Sister Arts Studio’s website and Twitter.

The "Shop Around the Corner" series is our chance to highlight great craft shops around the country. While we can't feature every store, we are hopping state to state to show off some of the best in craft retail. Would you like to nominate a shop to be featured? E-mail us at and let us know about your favorites.

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