Keep posted for more on CraftFoxes' Crafts to Do with Kids Series, with weekly posts, giveaways and how-tos all month long.

This craft by Mom's Crafty Space can become a discussion of the blending of colors. While experimenting with mixing colors, kids can make a pretty snazzy shirt without the mess of traditional tie-dying.

Rock Candy

Lava Lamp

Experiment with elasticity and suspension with this tutorial for "gak" from Artful Parent. Gak is slimy, gooey, icky and wonderful ... which can be used to describe kids after playtime on some days, right?

The Chocolate Muffin Tree provides a tutorial on how to make a hovercraft with a CD, balloon, a top from dish soap or a water bottle and a glue gun. Decorate CDs and watch them coast over a smooth surface.
Check back next week to find a sewing project you can do with your kids!
Image Credits (from the top): Mom's Crafty Space, Brandy's Crafts, Bird and Little Bird, Artful Parent, The Chocolate Muffin Tree