If you collect recipes from grandparents, newspapers and your own kitchen experiments, you know organizing that collection can be a headache. There may be magazine clippings, scribbles on index cards and a few Pinterest posts you’ve meant to reread. Managing the variety of formats requires a good system. No easy task. Here are tips to help create an orderly catalog.
Organize Recipes According to Format
These days, recipes are as likely to be found on TikTok or a blog as a hardback cookbook. The different formats create a challenge for organization. The next steps is categorizing similar formats. After you review your recipes, group them into the following categories:
Digital notes: These recipes are stored electronically, such as ones in your Notes apps, email, or Google Drive.
Web content: This category includes recipes from websites, blogs, or recipe publisher sites.
Social media: Refers to recipes discovered on social media platforms, including Pinterest boards, Instagram posts and recipes found in Facebook groups.
Select a Technique for Arranging Your Recipe Collection
After sorting, categorizing, and tidying up your recipe collection, the next step is choosing an organization method that suits your needs. While there are various approaches, the best option ultimately depends on what works for you.
Consider your current recipe usage. Do you prefer utilizing printed recipes or digital ones? Do you enjoy utilizing voice-activated assistants such as Alexa or Google while cooking? Perhaps a combination of both methods is more to your liking. The decision to opt for digital storage, physical organization, or a blend of the two hinges on how you intend to engage with your recipes in your daily routine
Declutter Your Recipe Compilation
Consider tidying up your space. Thoroughly evaluate all the recipes in front of you. Determine which recipes are your favorites by sorting through them. Begin with your physical recipe collection before transitioning to your digital archive. Are you holding onto recipes that didn't impress you when you tried them? What about recipes you've been intending to try but haven't yet?
It may be unnecessary to organize recipes that don't spark your current interests. Focus on keeping your favorite go-to recipes or those you're eager to experiment with. After decluttering your recipe collection, you'll be prepared to delve into creating a reliable reference source.
Capture Your Recipes in a Classic Binder or Notebook
Grandma's preferred approach, the traditional recipe notebook. Recording your recipes in a binder or notebook can be enjoyable and personal. However, when it comes to reliability, it falls short. The risk of damage looms every time you handle it during cooking sessions. While stains and marks may add character, relying solely on a recipe notebook may no longer be the most efficient way to organize recipes.
Even if you attempt to transfer your favorite recipes to a notebook, you're likely to miss capturing every new recipe on platforms like TikTok. If maintaining a recipe notebook is your preference. There are also sites like Paprika that manage digital recipes. For those who prefer a physical book or don’t want to get their electronics mucked up in the kitchen,
spiral bound book printing is great for self publishing your recipe book, creating a more durable reference.
Saving Them to Pinterest Boards
Pinterest is a great platform for discovering culinary inspiration. You can also bookmark your favorite posts for later reference and create personalized boards to organize your findings.
While Pinterest excels as a
source of cooking inspiration, it may not be the most efficient platform for storing your personal recipe collection. Unless you actively contribute content as a blogger or YouTuber with a substantial repertoire of recipes, the chances of locating specific recipes may be limited.
If you favor physical recipe printouts or digital platforms, there are numerous methods available for organizing them. Whatever approach your preferred approach, review your collection periodically to discover new recipes for inspiration and remove ones no longer desired.