How about making a throw pillow with a bear's face? This cute bear pillow pattern is easy to sew and is sure to bring a smile to your face.
Black Bear Giant Pillow (Free Sewing Pattern)
Step 1

You will need
- Pattern template
- Basic sewing kit
- 16 x 38in (40 x 95cm) black felt
- 8 x 12in (20 x 30cm) cream felt
- Black embroidery floss
- 2 x 15mm safety eyes
- Fiberfill (toy stuffing)
Step 2
Photocopy or trace the black bear pattern pieces onto pattern paper and cut out. You should have three pieces: head, snout (a), snout (b).
Step 3

Pin the pattern pieces onto the felt - use black for the head, cream for the snout (a), and black for the snout (b). Cut out. You should have four felt pieces: two head pieces and one snout in black and one snout in cream.
Step 4

Pin the black snout (b) onto the cream snout (a). Sew in place using straight stitch and black embroidery floss, leaving a small gap for stuffing. Fill with fiberfill; you'll only need a small amount for this step. Stitch the gap closed.
Step 5

Using black embroidery floss and running stitch, sew the assembled snout onto the front of the head.
Position the safety eyes on the head. Make a small hole in the black felt with scissors and push the safety eye post through the hold. Push the washer onto the post at the back of the head to secure.
Step 6

Pin the back of the head onto the front head piece. Leaving a 5mm seam allowance, sew in place, using running stitch and black embroidery floss. Leave a small gap for the stuffing.
Step 7

Stuff the black bear's head with fiberfill. Finish sewing the head together, then knot the the tread to finish.
Step 8

This bear sewing project is excerpted with permission from "Cute Felt Bears: 20 Easy-to-Make Projects" by Benjamin Rowling and published by Barron's Educational Series.