To celebrate Easter and the new season of Game of Thrones, I made dragon eggs! Watch the short video tutorial here:
Game of Thrones Dragon Eggs
Step 1

Sticky back foam sheets
DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
Americana Multi-Surface Satin Paint in brown and white
DecoArt Mixed Media Modeling Paste
Plastic Easter eggs
Step 2

Cut the sticky foam into 3/4" x 1/2" wide squares
Trim them into the shape of a guitar pick
Peel and stick them to the bottom of the egg as shown
Stagger the next row (like shingles on a roof)
Continue all the way to the top of the egg
Step 3

Dab the Mixed Media Modeling Paste on the end of the egg to add texture
When dry paint the eggs with DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
*Rest them in a cardboard tube while they dry
Add dark brown to the metallics and add dimension to the eggs with a dry brush
Lighten the brown with some white paint and splatter the eggs using a toothbrush