Make your own paper using old newspaper and Americana Acrylic paints for color. Watch the video tutorial here:
How To Make Paper
Step 1

2 flat frames
2 rubber bands
Newspaper or any recycled paper
Americana Acrylics (to color your pulp)
Plastic screen (1 yard should be plenty)
Large bin
Staple gun
Step 2

Remove the glass and cardboard from your frames, you only need the frame
Cut two pieces of screen the exact size of your frame
Staple one piece of screen to the flat side of one frame making sure it's taut
Sandwich the stapled screen in between both frames with a rubber band
*Flat sides together
Step 3

Rip up about 2 sheets of newspaper or several sheets of copy paper
Fill your blender 3/4 full with water
Add Americana Acrylic Paint to the water
Blend until the paper becomes pulp
*It will look cloudy
Step 4

Pour the contents into a bin and add more water if you want
With the plain frame on top, scoop the pulp from the bin catching it on top of the stapled screen
Carefully remove the top frame and place the extra piece of screen on top of the pulp
Using a sponge, remove as much water as you can from the pulp
Carefully peel the flat, wet pulp from the screen and place it between two sheets of newspaper
Step 5

Place a pressing cloth on the newspaper and iron the flat pulp until it's dry and becomes a sheet of beautiful paper
*You can also let your pieces dry naturally overnight