Move the star from day to day, or tuck a piece of candy or small gift into each pocket of this hand-sewn Advent calendar to count down to Christmas.
This project is excerpted with permission from "Doodle Stitching: The Holiday Motif Collection" from Lark Crafts. The book includes a CD with 300+ patterns for 20 holiday-themed embroidery projects that fans of the Doodle Stitching series will appreciate. The book includes ideas for Christmas and Hanukkah, but also Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Halloween. Check out this book to find complete templates for the lettering and other motifs found in this project.
Project Designer; Aimee Ray
Peace, Joy, Love Advent Calendar
Step 1
What You Need
Aqua felt, 19 x 12 inches (48.3 x 30.5 cm)
Red felt, 12 x 18 inches (30.5 x 45.7 cm)
White felt, 9 x 12 inches (22.9 x 30.5 cm) (or scraps)
Tissue paper
Embroidery floss, 1 skein each of aqua and red, and 2 skeins of white*
Polyester fiberfill stuffing
Wooden dowel rod, 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) in diameter and 15 inches (28.1 cm) long
2 round wooden dowel caps, 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, with 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) holes
Wood glue
Aqua grosgrain ribbon, 7⁄8 inch (2.2 cm) wide and 35 inches (89 cm) long
Motifs: 007, 008, 066, 073, 105
*Aimee used DMC embroidery floss colors 598, 321, and white.
Finished Size: 16 x 12 inches (40.6 x 30.5 cm)
Back Stitch
Straight Stitch
Step 2
Cut five 9 x 11/2-inch (22.9 x 3.8 cm) strips of aqua felt and five matching strips of tissue paper. Draw numbers, spacing them evenly, onto the strips of tissue paper. Pin the strips of tissue paper to the strips of felt.
Step 3
Embroider all the numbers and gently remove the tissue paper.
Fold 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the top of the red felt rectangle to the back and use the red floss to stitch it with the Stab Stitch. This will create the slot to slide the dowel into for hanging the banner.
Step 4
Position the felt strips with embroidered numbers onto the red background as shown. Using the Stab Stitch and the aqua floss, sew the strips in place around the sides and bottom of each strip. Remember to leave the top of each strip open. Then sew evenly spaced vertical lines between each number.
Step 5
Trace the lettering, side swirls, and star motifs onto tissue paper and pin them in place on the red felt. Embroider the motifs according to the stitch guide. When you’re finished, gently tear away the tissue paper.
Step 6
Trace the star onto tissue paper, pin it to white felt, and embroider the motif. Cut it out along with a second, identical shape for the back. Use one thread of white floss to Whip Stitch the two pieces together with a little stuffing in between.
Step 7
Slide the dowel into the top of the banner and use wood glue to secure a dowel cap on either end. Tie a bow in the middle of the ribbon and use the Stab Stitch to secure each end of ribbon around either end of the dowel to hang.
Step 8

Reprinted with permission from "Doodle Stitching: The Holiday Motif Collection" from Lark Crafts.