I know you’re out there, you Slytherins with your love of snakes and your gray moral compass. And this slimy, snake-covered door wreath isn’t just fun to make; it’s also fun to watch people freak out through the peephole when they realize what it is you have hanging on your front door!
Excerpted with permission from "The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter: 30 Magical Crafts for Witches and Wizards"
Transfiguration Tips
Paint your wreath silver before you attach the snakes, and then spray-paint some of your snakes silver and some of them green before you glue them down. It will be even more Slytherin-ey!*
Harry Potter Craft — Slytherin Snake Door Wreath
Step 1

What You Need:
Hot glue gun and glue
75–100 plastic snakes (I found a big bag of them in the toy section of a big-box store.) 1 (16") grapevine wreath (You can find blank wreaths with nothing on them at a craft store, or if you have an old wreath you don’t like, you can just pull everything off of it and use that.)
Cardboard box or trash bag
Silver spray paint
Step 2

Use your hot glue gun to attach as many of the snakes as you can fit onto the wreath. You don’t need to follow any sort of pattern or anything, just glue them on. You can put them on top of each other so they look like they are in a nest, or you can spread them out. Let this dry for 5 or so minutes until secure.
Step 3

Set up a place to spray-paint your wreath by placing your cardboard box or trash bag on the floor or outside on the ground. (Ask an adult for help if you’re not sure where this should be done.) Place your wreath in the box or on the trash bag and spray it with the silver spray paint until it’s completely covered. Set the wreath aside to dry, about 2–3 hours or until dry to the touch. If you painted your wreath outside and would like it to dry inside, let it sit for 15 minutes, then bring it in to dry in an out-of- the-way location.
Step 4
Hang your wreath on your door all year long, because that’s how a true Slytherin would do it.
Step 5

Excerpted with permission from "The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter: 30 Magical Crafts for Witches and Wizards"