This striped frame can hold a photograph or a piece of art, or can be displayed on its own. Using papers in a rainbow of colors and designs will make the frame pop off the wall. Choosing muted tones and printed pages from books will create a more subdued look.
Oval wood picture frame
Medium-grade (80–120 grit) sandpaper
Clean rag
Pliable papers in a variety of colors or designs
Paper cutter
Thin liquid glue such as Mod Podge
Small dish
2 foam brushes
2 to 4 cans of equal height
Low-gloss polyurethane (optional)
Excerpted with permission from Sweet Paper Crafts: 25 Simple Projects to Brighten Your Life
Striped Decoupage Picture Frame
Step 1

Remove the backing and glass from the picture frame and save for later use. Sand all the surfaces of the frame with the sandpaper until the wood is smooth and free of bumps and imperfections. Wipe down with a damp rag to remove any sanding dust. Set aside to dry.
Step 2

The widths, lengths, and quantity of the paper strips you need will depend on the size and thickness of your frame. Experiment with strips of different sizes to decide what looks best. Very thick pages will be hard to decoupage smoothly on the frame; very thin pages may tear when wet with glue. You may wish to experiment with different weights of papers before you begin. Using the paper cutter, cut strips of your chosen paper into pieces long enough to wrap around the frame from front to back. Experiment by wrapping the strips around your frame to determine how wide you want them to be and how you want to alternate the colors.
Step 3

Lay out all the strips on your work surface in the order in which you will use them on the frame. Pour a small amount of the Mod Podge into the dish. One at a time, dip the strips into the glue and wipe off any excess with a foam brush. Fit a strip of paper on the frame, and as you wrap it around the frame, press down with clean fingers to remove any air bubbles or wrinkles. Continue adding strips, overlapping them slightly, until the frame is covered.
Step 4
Arrange the cans on your work surface, set the frame on the cans, and allow to dry for 24 hours. Don’t worry about glue smudges on the back of the frame where it rests on the cans.
Step 5
Turn the frame and gently sand off any bumps on the back. If you want a matte finish, leave the frame as is or cover it with another coat of thin liquid glue and allow it to dry again for 24 hours.
Step 6

For a shinier, more finished look, cover the face and sides of the frame with a thin coat of polyurethane using a clean foam brush. Do not overload the brush with the polyurethane. Check for drips and puddles on the surface and make sure you get a smooth finish. Place the frame on the cans and allow to dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours. Apply a second coat, check for drips, and allow to dry again. Apply as many coats as you like, letting the frame dry completely between coats. The more coats of polyurethane you apply, the more the paper edges will blend together and look almost painted onto the frame. When the frame has thoroughly dried, repeat on the back.