CraftFoxes Fee Policy

Listing fees 
Each listing for a product on CraftFoxes costs $0.10 USD when the listing is uploaded. Product listings expire after 3 months. 

If you have multiples of the same item listed, you can reflect the quantity you have available in your product listing. There will be a $0.10 USD fee for each product listed in multiple quantity listings. Multiple quantity fees are added to your monthly bill. 

Sales transaction fees 
When a product is sold in your shop, you will be charged a sales fee of 4% of the item price (not including tax or shipping charges). Transaction fees are added to your monthly bill. 

Paying your bill 
Fees for listings, transactions and ads are accrued on your monthly CraftFoxes bill. At the end of each month we add up all your fees accrued and will post amount due. You must pay your bill by the 15th of the next month, or your bill will be overdue. Your bill will be paid using the PayPal provided when setting up your account. You can review your bill or make a payment at any time under Your Shop > Your Bill. 

Currency conversion 
All fees on CraftFoxes are in US Dollars. Currency conversion is handled automatically by Paypal.