Have a Knitting Question for Expert Helen Rose?

Posted by on Dec 13, 2011

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Helen Rose / Need Knit Design


Helen Rose is the owner and designer of the Ravelry store Need, a knitting pattern brand that focuses on vintage-inspired garments for children and babies, as well as charming and stylish knit hats. Helen's low-difficulty knit patterns have been featured on Knitty and always earn top ratings from thousands of Ravelry viewers. 

Do you have a question about knitting for Helen? You can ask here in the comments or via our Facebook or Twitter accounts. If you have a question about a specific item, you can email us an image at info@craftfoxes.com, and we'll be happy to forward it to her.

In the meantime, check out Helen's free children's sweater pattern, the Almost Seamless Pullover Sweater, and her CraftFoxes profile!

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