According to doggie history, Yorkshire terriers were bred by Scottish weavers to create small and fearless hunters. Whoever developed a breed that could be pint-sized and protective must have been brilliant. What were the original Yorkie growth strategies? Scottish weavers loved those scrappy and endearing furballs for their ability to snare the mice found in textile mills. Coal prospectors utilized them for the same purpose in the mines.
Yarn Yorkie
This wool dog doesn’t require any knitting or crochet, but does demand a little sewing and lot of hot gluing. The YouTuber who created the yarn yorkie, Moth Art, appears to be Russian (at least she titled her video in Russian). However, the video is easy to follow using the onscreen instructions. The animal’s base is a small, sock-shaped cushion stuffed with cotton and sewn together. Much of the dog’s fur is created by wrapping, cutting and tying yarn, which is later hot glued to the cushion. Then the “hair” is styled and trimmed. Felt eyes and a mouth are glued on. A pink ribbon hair tie is the finishing touch.
Sewn Felt Yorkie
Few projects display more love for Yorkies than this sewn felt pooch. Sure, it may just look like a simple toy dog, but take note of the detailed stitching around the cheeks and paws. This is a beginner project that demands you have a good amount of hand and machine sewing experience to ensure the seams will be tight. No one appreciates a sloppy Yorkie. Black thread is used to accent the paws and the tail. The details on the face are designed to keep the York lip proportions accurate, the eyes sunken and the ears feathered. Plus there’s a red bow between the ears as a finishing detail (Yorkie crafts love a good red bow). Find the free pattern here:
Needle Felt Yorkie
If you love the jabbing thrills of needle felting, this toy Yorkie project looks impressively realistic. The armature for the head is made out of polyester or quilt batting. Wires serve as the backbone of the body. As you watch Bincbonc’s video, you can see all of the decisions she makes real time, such as increasing the batting size for the head. If you’re modeling the Yorkie on your own, pay close attention to the hair colors on your fur baby since it can be a mix of brown tones as well as white, gray and black. Be patient and thorough: Mimicking the dog’s numerous hair textures is what gives the toy its realistic look.
Handmade Dog Vest
Does your Yorkie want be dressed up? That may be tough question for any dog to answer, but do your best to ask. If you’ve decided to move forward and make a vest for your Yorkie, you don’t need much material - natch. Take the measurements of your pup: the neck, back, waist. In the above video, Nurit shows the pattern onscreen but doesn’t offer a link to a paper version. You'll probably want to sketch up your own before starting. In the video, Nurit doubles the pattern for a nicer finish, even though she could theoretically use a single layer of felt fabric since it won’t fray. Velcro pieces are attached to hold together sections of the vest that hang around the dog’s neck and vest.

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