The flower crown trend has gone CUH-RAZY lately, but I haven't seen too many variations. I mean, flowers shouldn't be limited to just headwear, so I thought I would make some sunflower sunglasses for the sunshine state (we're jetting off in two days... ahhhh!). They were so crazily easy to make that I guarantee anyone could make these. And you should. There is no way you can be grumpy when you're wearing sunflowers.
You will need:
- Sunglasses
- Fake flowers
- Sandpaper
- Pliers/ Strong scissors
- A glue gun
Floral Sunglasses
Step 1

First, use your sandpaper to sand the frames of your glasses. If your frames are a little rough they will allow the glue to stick a little easier.
Step 3

Add a little glue to the back of your flower. Not only will this stick the flower to the frames, but also it will keep the flower together.
Step 4

Starting from the inner corners, fix your sunflowers to the frames and build up until covered.