Debbie Cole used some of our House-Mouse Designs® images to create this painted knitting tote! Check out the full materials list at
House-Mouse® Knit Chick Purl 2 Box
Step 1
Prepare the tote with sealer and sand, then wipe with dampened cheese cloth. Note that it is important that there is not any areas with high wood grain. Sand until smooth. Basecoat entire surface with White Wash. Apply multiple coats until smooth and even. Apply a coat of matte varnish that will protect the work you have already done plus allow for easy clean-up for the next step.
Step 2
Determine placement of stamps on the tote referring to the photos. Place stamps onto acrylic handles. Dampen sponge and remove as much water as possible. Load with Lamp Black. When using paint on stamps it is important that you do not overload the image. Pour a puddle of paint out on the palette. Pounce the sponge into the paint and then on a clean area of the palette. When you look at the bottom of the sponge it should be covered by paint but you should still be able to see the texture of the sponge. Now quickly pounce the loaded sponge over the entire image and stamp it on the surface. If you don’t like what you have stamped, simply wipe it off with a wet wipe! Since you already have a coat of varnish on the surface, it will clean up easily. Stamp all the images around the tote. Immediately wash the stamps with soap and water. If any has dried, use an old tooth brush to clean. Use a see-thru ruler and a light pencil to mark off approx one inch squares on the top and sides of the tote.
Step 3
Using a bubble palette, place about a dime size drop of Golden Straw, Indian Turquoise, and Wild Orchid in individual bubbles. Mix one part paint with approx three parts water mixed with Easy Float. Completely mix the paint until it becomes transparent. Using a flat shader brush wash in all of the colors referring to the photo for placement.
Step 4
Shade each color with full strength paint using a flat brush including the squares. Apply a second shade to the mouse designs using Royal Purple in the orchid areas, True Ochre in the yellow areas, and Wedgewood Blue in the turquoise areas. The mice have a third transparent shade of Traditional Burnt Umber and the bunnies have a third transparent shades of Lamp Black. To create a transparent float, simply work the loaded brush on the paper palette until the paint becomes transparent.
Step 5

To create the patterns in the white squares, use a stylus to apply dots randomly with the first shade colors. The orchid areas have curvy lines of White Wash. Apply a coat of matte varnish over all the squares. Stamp the yellow squares with Indian Turquoise using the top of the Scroll stamp. Wipe away any excess paint using a damp paint brush. In the same manner stamp Wild Orchid onto the turquoise squares using the bottom of the Scroll stamp. Add Lamp Black stitches with a liner brush around the tote. Glue buttons onto tote.
Step 6

Allow to cure for 24 hours. Apply multiple coats of matte varnish to protect the tote.