These fluffy-tailed rabbits, reprinted from "Noah's Knits," can wiggle their tail...
These Norwegian-style mittens, excerpted from "60 More Quick Knits" (Sterling) ha...
This knitted hat was inspired by—who else?—Cat Woman! More cute than scary, this ...
This free pattern for a ladies pullover top down sweater was adapted from Plymout...
The free pattern for this child's felted purse comes courtesy of Plymouth Yarn, w...
This knitted swan couple is a great way to celebrate your love or show someone ho...
If you love Christmas, knitting, reindeer and dear old St. Nick, "'Twas the Knits...
For knitters who love the story of Christmas, "Knitivity" gives instructions on h...
This V-neck pullover with crossover neckline and matching belt is standard-fittin...
Aiden is a cozy, roomy and warm masculine pullover worked from the bottom up. Oth...
This loose-fitting, wrapped cardigan was designed by Oscar for Oscar de la Renta....
Knitting and Marilyn Monroe might not seem to readily go together, but the doll t...
If you're a beginner with a fresh set of needles, this easy knitted sock pattern ...
These stripy gloves are warm and stylish while leaving your fingers free. The pat...
Worked in stripes of garter stitch alternated with a simple lace pattern, this sc...