I have, tucked in the corner of my dining room, a basket of large Jeffrey pine cones. They were given to me by my California- born mother, who I believe smuggled them out of a park in the Sierras back in the 1970s. When I say large, I mean HUGE. The ones I have are 10 inches long, and weigh at least 5 lbs each. They have lasted at least twenty years in perfect condition, only needing to be dusted from time to time.
For those of us who won't kidnap pine cones out of principle, don't fret! You can make a crocheted replica out of two skeins of worsted wool. June at Planet June has expanded her crochet pattern for pine cones to include one that sits at 8 inches long. Perfect for snuggling into a basket or for part of an incredibly cute holiday picture, these pine cones are an awesome way to bring nature inside legally.
For the crochet pattern, and more ideas, visit PlanetJune.
