Gluten-free Thanksgiving recipes can help ensure that everyone can enjoy the food-centric holiday. According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, nearly 1 in 133 Americans suffer from Celiac disease, and the only established cure is a gluten-free diet. Personally, I know and love several people with a gluten intolerance, and it is my sincere wish that everyone gets a lovely and tasty Thanksgiving meal this November. With that goal in mind, I set about trying to find awesome gluten-free recipes that everyone can enjoy on a day for giving thanks.

Roasted Root Vegetables
This Thanksgiving recipe is naturally gluten-free, composed of the simple no-fail combination of root vegetables, oil and seasoning. A comforting and healthy food dish that my college roommate introduced to me years ago, I can no longer imagine a Thanksgiving dinner without it.
Simply Sugar and Gluten Free has the recipe.

It may seem like a hassle, but please believe me when I say that cranberry sauce from scratch is so worth the effort because the homemade version is leaps and bounds better than the stuff in a can. Really there is no comparison. What's more, you know exactly what's in the sauce when you make it at home so there's no hidden gluten lurking to destroy the holiday cheer.
Make the cranberry sauce with a recipe from Savory Sweet Life.

GF Pumpkin Pie
My grandmother doesn't have any gluten-free Thanksgiving recipes in her repertoire, but she literally makes at least three or four pies from scratch every Thanksgiving. Therefore, it's impossible for me to imagine the holiday without at least two different varieties, and luckily there are many different gluten-free solutions to pie crusts and fillings. This particular solution forgoes the crust and just offers divine pumpkin filling, probably because it cannot be contained by flakiness. It's also vegan. And I don't think I've yet said delicious, which is most important, really.
Get the recipe from Gluten Free Goddess.

Find the recipe on ABC News.

Gluten Free Mommy has the recipe.
Photo Credits (from top): Fit Sugar, Serious Eats, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Savory Sweet Life, Gluten Free Goddess, ABC News, Gluten Free Mommy
