After a break up, whether it’s been a long-term romance or even just a friendship that ran its course, crafts can console better than the traditional remedies of wallowing and avoiding. From DIY twists on classic break-up cures like sweats and sweets to unique, craft-inspired escapes like knitting or sewing retreats, we’ve got the handmade antidote for your break-up blues.

When your heart has been dealt a massive blow, nurture the rest of your body with comfy clothes like these DIY yoga pants. Choose a vibrant fabric or a cozy cotton stretch or, really, anything that makes you want to bundle up on the sofa with a lap blanket and a sadster movie.
Buy this yoga pant sewing pattern from BurdaStyle.

Having trouble sleeping? When scanned, a pillow, hand-embroidered with a QR code, launches a favorite lullaby on your iPhone, giving a soothing sleep for your troubled head. We advise anything other than that infamous “song,” which may have symbolized your relationship.
Just Crafty Enough shares how she made the lullaby pillowcase.

Even vodka can get crafty when infused with unique flavors like berries, chocolate and even candy. While we don’t recommend a bender, kitchen scents and smells can always help one learn a new skill, so create those happy endorphins often absent after a break up.
Take a look at our favorite vodka infusions with this CraftFoxes’ round-up.

Got a batch of ugly boyfriend clothes he refuses to come over and claim? Turn them into a stylish pencil skirt, and then go out and grab yourself a fun rebound. Or, if his favorite T-shirts are still littering your drawers, consider cutting them down into strips for a braided rug that you can wipe your boots on every day.
It’s Always Autumn shares how to transform a pair of men’s slacks into a pencil skirt.

Hours spent weeping do not make a safe haven for contacts. Instead of feeling grubby as you grab your glasses, consider refashioning your frames with glitter and glue. Whether you choose to adorn your sunglasses as you make a last-minute Haagen Dazs ice cream run, or you own back-up specs, this how-to offers unique glam — even if you feel anything but.
Glitter ‘N' Glue shares how to embellish your glasses with glitter… and glue.

Chocolate — the most common break up elixir — gets a new twist with this molded chocolate how-to, which uses brown sugar to cast the sweet. Use any favorite shapes, including a voodoo doll of your ex, to complete the craft.
Daring Baker Duluth shares how to mold chocolate using common home decor.

A hairdresser once told my mom that the main reason a woman gets a new hairdo is because she’s craving change in other parts of her life. If you’ve already had enough change for one lifetime, then consider this simple hair comb tutorial, which uses embroidery floss for a quick styling.
Head to Lemon Jitters to make your own DIY hair comb.

Nancy Sinatra knew what she was singing about. Boots are made for walking, but don’t worry if you can’t afford to splurge on a new pair. Refashion an outdated pair into cute booties with this easy how-to. A simple cut along the top, followed by a roll-down of the edge, and you are practically finished. Hopefully the same can be said about your break-up recovery.
Learn more about remaking your boots via Dana’s Fashion Blog.

Dwelling in gratitude can often lift one out of a dark mood faster than the fantasy “telling off” session you’ve been giving inside your head. Make some homemade cards to send out to your most supportive friends, thanking them for all of the good they’ve done.
Make your own anti-break up cards with these free tutorials from Fresh Home Ideas.

If all else fails, call retreat — a craft retreat, that is! From crochet communes in the wilds of Maine to cruises for scrapbookers or conventions for all crafters, getting away from the scene of the crime can be just the thing to escape from overthinking and "what ifs." You’ll be around new people who won’t give you those pitying looks, but will instead want to impress you with their new ideas and projects.
Can’t afford a retreat? Try a simple class or craft fair. Find the latest craft fair or class using our Craft Map.